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Norfolk Hill, Grenoside, S35 8QB

0114 2467380







Grenoside Primary

Keeping school informed

Please work in partnership with the school by keeping us up to date with important information. 

Mobile phone numbers can frequently change.  Please make sure the school office have your up to date contact details.

We understand that all families go through difficult times.  Please speak to a member of staff in confidence if there are any changes in family circumstances that may affect your child.  This could be:

  • adoption
  • bereavement
  • changes to marital situations
  • other significant changes

If the situation requires the intervention of the courts, please provide us with a copy of the Court Order.  This will be kept in confidence.

Please arrange collection arrangement for the end of the school day and make sure your child is aware of these arrangements.  Wherever possible please avoid changing the arrangement during the school day.

Please contact school via the email parents@grenoside.sheffield.sch.uk